Annual General Meeting 2020

The next Annual General Meeting of Harvest Technology p.l.c. (the “Company”) will be held on the 30th July 2020 at 13:00hrs at the Radisson Blu, St. George’s Bay, St. Julian’s, Malta.

Admission to the meeting starts at 12:15hrs.

The authorised share capital of the Company is €35,000,000 divided into 70,000,000 ordinary shares of a nominal value of €0.50 each. The issued share capital of  the Company is €11,390,318.00 divided into 22,780,636 ordinary shares of a nominal value of €0.50 each. Each ordinary share is entitled to one (1) vote at the general meeting of shareholders of the Company.

Annual General Meeting 2020 Document Pack




7 July 2020

Notice to Shareholders

7 July 2020

Shareholder Circular

7 July 2020

Renumeration Policy

7 July 2020

Harvest Technology p.l.c. Annual Report & Consolidated Financial Statements 31/12/2019

30 July 2020

Management presentation delivered at AGM